The Gospel "Lite"


     There is a wide range of options among Bible scholars and
commentators as to the specific order of events, and even the
specific years, of Christ’s life and ministry. The order of events, as
presented in this work, is based primarily on this editor’s interpretation
of the time relationships within the Gospels, and is open to
debate. Specific date references are also just the editor’s researched
opinion. It is not the purpose of this harmony to produce a definitive
chronology of Christ’s life, but rather one combined text, thereby
enriching the story.

     The basic text for this project is The Holy Bible, King James
Version, electronic edition; published by QuickVerse 7.01, copyright
© 2000, Findex, Inc. Due to the nature of this project the syntax,
capitalization, and punctuation used does not follow that of the published
text. Any variations, such as the addition and placement of
quotation marks, are the product of the editor.

     Furthermore the editor has made no attempt to develop unique
Section text divisions, Titles, or Labels. In general these follow the
divisions and descriptions used by the writers and editors of the
various references and harmonies listed in the back, particularly
those of the SDA Bible Commentary, copyright © 1957, Review
and Herald, Washington, D.C. The “M” and “P” designations in the
title lines (i.e. M-23) refer to the number of the Miracle or Parable
in their respective Indexes.

     Although the text of this work is based on the traditional King
James Version, the editor has taken certain liberties with the language

and spelling used in the Authorized Version, while ensuring that the

meaning of the original text is not altered. The spelling of Biblical names is standardized to the most commonly recognized forms, for consistency,

and ease of understanding (i.e., “Esaias” is rendered as “Isaiah”), and

occasionally the language is “updated” (i.e., “begat” is changed to “was

the father of”). Where there might reasonably be some doubt as to the

editor’s choice of words, appropriate notations are given in brackets, as

are the editor’s notes and any words added to the text for clarity or


     Parentheses are used to indicate variations in the text between
the various Gospel writers, and the sources for referenced or quoted
passages from the Old Testament. If the variation is intended to be
read as a part of the passage, the source is noted after the variance. If
the variation is an alternative reading the source is given before the
variance. “Added” words in the standard King James text are in their
usual italics and the words of Christ are presented within quotation
marks in bold type.

     The editor has elected to use Christ’s proper Hebrew name
“Yehoshua”, pronounced Ye (as in yet)-hoe-shu-a, meaning
“Yehovah saves” (Keith Johnson, His Hallowed Name Revealed
Again, p. 202–205) in section titles and comments. Because existing
copies of Matthew’s Gospel in Hebrew use the short form, Yeshua,
this was probably how His associates addressed Him (Ibid., see also
Nehemia Gordon, The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus). This
short form, similar to the use of Mike for Michael, was in common
use in the 1st Century AD, and has been substituted into the text
in place of the Greek derived “Jesus.” [Yehoshua ->Yeshua (Joshua
— modern English) ->Iesous (Greek) ->Iesous (Latin) ->Iesus (Old
English) ->Jesus (modern English). An interesting etymological
explanation of how the Hebrew Yeshua became the Greek Iesous is
provided by Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson in A Prayer to Our
Father, footnote 5, p. 46].

     In like manner the personal Divine name, the tetragrammaton,
YHWH or YHVH, rendered as “LORD” in the King James, is rendered
as “Yehovah” (Ye-Hoe-WaH’, Ye-Hoe-VaH’) (see Keith Johnson, His

Hallowed Name Revealed Again.) 

     As an aid to the reader Divine appellatives and pronouns are
capitalized, unless the context indicates a speaker’s unbelief, and
Christ’s titles are rendered according to their meaning. The most
obvious example of this is the use of “Anointed One” for the Hebrew
“Messiah” or the Greek “Christ.” Readers should feel free to substitute
“Jesus” or “Christ” as best suits their tastes. Whatever name
the reader chooses to read, remember to say it with due reverence
(Exodus 20:7).

     Any typographical, grammatical, translation or interpretation
errors are the editor’s sole responsibility.